EduZone Lineup 2023


Saturday 27.05.2023

11.00 - Michał Witczak, Maciej Pawłowski, Paweł "Teone" Leśniański

Opening of EduZone - "Summary of the current situation of hemp in Poland, what has changed in the last year in Poland, Europe and the world" [PL]

11.30 - Dr Sebastian Marciniak

"Side effects during cannabis therapy; possible methods of prevention". [PL]

12.30 - mgr farm. Daniel Rzepka

"Hemp in the practice of taking care of health". [PL]

13.30 - mgr inż. Krzysztof Jodłowski

"Unusual synergies of cannabinoids and other sibstances of natural origin". [PL]

14.15 - Adwokat Liliana Wiech, Maciej Pawłowski

"How to proceed and what not to do when police uncover medical marijuana in a patient". [PL]

15.00 - Adi Lewandowski

"Marketing in the cannabis industry". [PL]

16.00 - mgr Jolanta Różycka

"Cannabis and the aging process". [PL]

17.00 - Adi Lewandowski, Dariusz Młynarczyk, Paweł "Teone" Leśniański, mgr farm. Bartłomiej Zalewa

"Cannabis in our lives - passion, profession and life path". [PL]

18.00 - Andrzej Dołecki, Maciej Pawłowski

"Recreational cannabis and medical cannabis - where European and Polish legislation is headed". [PL]

Sunday 28.05.2023

12.00 - Kamila Dragan

"Why Cannabis is proving to be an effective treatment for ENDOMETRIOUS". [PL]

13.00 - mgr farm. Bartłomiej Zalewa

"Pharmacy formulation using Cannabis Flos (medical marijuana)". [PL]

14.00 - Gosia Szakuła

Culinary Lecture "Hemp in the Kitchen". [PL]

15.00 - BudCare

Online platform presentation for patients, doctors and pharmacists [PL]

15.40 - Selection of Miss&Mister WeedFest '23

16.20 - WeedFest CUP award ceremony

Presentation of awards for "Best Stand 2023", "Best Drought in Poland" and "Best Drought according to the public". [PL]